The Gauntlet would then allow me to control a literal army of BUMBLE CATS which you all know are the best kinds of kitties to go into battle with.

Because they resemble TV Diabetes pitchman Wilfred Brimley, you always know when your blood sugar isslow and you don't want to be fooling around with low blood sugar in the middle of a pitched battle.
Do Bumble Cats bounce, too?
They can if that works for your story.
does the gauntlet come with all 6 gems and do I have to fight Thanos.
Do they make good pets too or are they just good for battle?
Bumble cats bounce..if you hit them with a tennis racket. (Emmett the wonder schnoodle wrote this comment)
It comes pr-fought for but you can change that if you really want to give yourself a challenge.
They make awesome pets because they all sleep together to make the best most comfy pillows.
You've just got to give it that tiny percentage of failure, right?
I've still got the original series in a box in my closet. So delicious. But since everyone bought every comic in the 90's, worth no money. Still good reads.
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